My Blog

It’s Back to School with Mysteries by Susan Van Kirk

It’s Back to School with Mysteries by Susan Van Kirk

Lately, I’ve found myself reading mysteries set in high schools and starring teachers and/or school administrators. My own Death Takes No Bribes fits into that category too. Here’s a sampling of those books. A Murder of Principal by Saralyn Richard Ms. Richard was a...

Reviews of Grisham and MacRae, Oh, Boy!

Reviews of Grisham and MacRae, Oh, Boy!

Recently, I've been trying to make some progress with my TBR pile. So far, so good. Below are reviews of a couple of books I've read and enjoyed. I'm hoping you might like them too! Camino Ghosts by John Grisham I've read most of John Grisham's novels, and he is best...

I Like My Cozies Soft Boiled by Nancy Cole Silverman

I Like My Cozies Soft Boiled by Nancy Cole Silverman

I grew up in a newsroom. By that, I mean that by the time I was in high school, my safe place became the newspaper office. The room dedicated to putting out the weekly paper, the school’s annual, and the hangout for what today would probably be called the uncool...

Book Covers with an Artsy Accent by Susan Van Kirk

Book Covers with an Artsy Accent by Susan Van Kirk

Just prior to the pandemic, I decided to write a series of stories about an art center in a small town. It’s not surprising since I’d recently toured the art center in our small town of Monmouth, Illinois. It had lots of nooks and crannies, and a basement that had...