An Author in Search of a Title

You may have noticed that recently I’ve been absent from this blog. The answer is easy to explain: I’ve had a lot of deadlines as well as editing for my work in progress (WIP).  Those problems have taken up every nook and cranny of my brain....

How to Have Happy Readers

A few weeks ago I asked some of my Facebook friends to send me questions about writing novels. I thought I would also use some of the answers for blog posts about writing. One of the questions was about a novel’s structure and its author’s decisions...

The Many Memories of Mugs

          It is early morning (5 a.m.), and I hope I never have to give up coffee as I age. I suppose coffee is like so many other sins I have had to relinquish because they affect my blood pressure, breathing, and weight. (I am still savoring...

Thoughts on Gratitude and Regret

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Charles DickensI was thinking about the topics of regret and gratitude this week as I worked on the first draft of my small town...