
Dec 12, 2015    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Maude Specklebelly's
109 E. Broadway, Monmouth, IL, 61462

Event Type

I’ll be at Maude Specklebelly’s to sign and sellThreeMayKeepASecretFront (207x320) copies of Three May Keep a Secret in case anyone wants to find a last minute Christmas present for readers of mysteries. This is the first of the Endurance Mysteries and is a great introduction to the characters and town. The second book in the series will be out mid-summer.


I will also have copies of my memoir about teaching at Monmouth High School. The Education of a Teacher (Including Dirty Books and Pointed Looks) is a great gift for teachers, people who think they want to teach, and people who have retired from teaching. Lots of good human interest stories also.