Now Let’s See … How Did that First Book End?

As of November 16, Marry in Haste has been shipped from the publisher and is now winding its way across the country to warehouses where it will be inventoried and then shipped off once again to places like,, and It will also...

So….What Shall I Do until My Book Comes Out?

The second full-length novel in my Endurance series, Marry in Haste, is coming from Five Star Publishing/Cengage on November 16. Am I excited? You better believe it! So what does that date mean? I can look forward to a three-week wait until I have boxes of books...

When Setting Provides Inspiration

When I answer questions about my novels, someone in the audience invariably asks how I invent ideas for fictional story lines in my small town of Endurance. Here is a perfect example of a story idea that combines my past in a house I once occupied, two fictional...