A Re-Birthday for A Death at Tippitt Pond

Back in 2019, my historical mystery, A Death at Tippitt Pond, came out in ebook and print copy from a small publisher who later added an audiobook. Recently, I had the rights to the ebook and print copy reverted to me. What does that mean? While I own the copyright...

Moving into a New Year

The first week of a new year always seems like a time to consider where you’ve been and where you’re going. The past year for me was a banner writing year, and I’m not sure I can duplicate it. We’ll see. A series of projects all came together, and I suppose it’s safe...

Preview of The Witch’s Child Coming October 15

When you’re self-publishing on multiple platforms, you have to cross your fingers that the various moving parts come together at the right time. Right now, I’m crossing my fingers that The Witch’s Child will be up on Amazon and other platforms for...