Marilyn in pensive mood_edited-1 (1)Today I have a very special guest visiting with her new book, River Spirits, and I’m just one stop on her River Spirits blog tour. Marilyn Meredith is the author of over thirty-five published novels, including the award winning Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery series, the latest River Spirits from Mundania Press.

Marilyn is a member of three chapters of Sisters in Crime. She is also a member of Mystery Writers of America and is on the board of the Public Safety Writers of America. She lives in the foothills of Sierra. You can visit her at or read her blog at

Marilyn’s contest today: the winner will be the person who comments on the most blog posts during my tour. He or she can either have a character in my next book named after them, or choose an earlier book in the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series: either a paper book or e-book.

River Spirits is out in both kindle and paperback as of October 1. Here’s a brief description: While filming a movie on the Bear Creek Indian River SpiritsReservation, the film crew trespasses on sacred ground, threats are made against the female stars, a missing woman is found by the Hairy Man, an actor is murdered and Deputy Tempe Crabtree has no idea who is guilty. Once again, the elusive and legendary Hairy Man plays an important role in this newest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery.


The Setting for the Deputy Tempe Crabtree Series

Having grown up in a big city: Los Angeles and now living in the foothills of the Southern Sierra, I’m fascinated by the difference in small town living as well as being in a place that has definite seasons.

I decided to use the setting of a small town like the one I now live near for the mystery series I planned to write with a few changes.

First, I gave the town a new name, Bear Creek, naming it after the small river running through the area.

I moved Bear Creek 1000 feet higher in the mountains so there would be more trees and the opportunity for more weather.

Despite the changes, much is the same. This is what Bear Creek and my town share;

Only one highway that runs through town and into the higher mountains.

Some of the few businesses are the same but with different names.

My town has several churches, Bear Creek has only one.

A short drive will take you to the place where the Giant Sequoias grow.


Some very interesting and unique people live in my town–I’ve borrowed characteristics and personalities from many of them for the characters in my book.  Guess what? No one has recognized themselves—except for the one person who asked to be a character in my book. Though I gave her a different name, all her friends said I portrayed her exactly. She loved it and she makes another appearance in River Spirits.

Tomorrow I’m visiting Holli Castillo at

My topic: Indian or Native American?  Please continue to join me on this blog tour celebrating the launch of River Spirits.